Class of 1978
Classmate Information for:
Becky Polesel
Classmate's ID: 152
Last Updated: 7/2/2008 12:01:44 PM
Classmate's Name: Becky Polesel
Sex: Female
Marriage Status: Married
Spouse: Bob Zehr
What Address to use to Contact you: Current
Kids Section
Kid's: Christina Ruskavage (45) ; Kimberly Tunis (41) ; Michelle Tunis (39) ; step daughter - Katelynn Zehr (34) ; grandson - Matthew Ruskavage (23) ; grandson - Zachary Ruskavage (16) ;
What have I been doing since High School?
Education: Licensed Insurance agent
Job: Office Manager for Long Term Care Associates. Inc.
Hobbies: grandchildren, travel & gambling
Who you Keep in Touch with:
Trip down Memory lane...
Remember When: we all thought life at 16 or 17 couldn't get any harder.
Worst thing you ever did: I don't think I ever got away with anything.
Most embarrassing moment: Band Camp Senior Year
Memories: Karla H. and Susie W. remember the 5:30 Breakfast on Wednesdays and all the things we talked to Mike about?
Favorite Songs: Brick House - Mark Hall in government class
What about next Reunion?
Would you like to help on Next Reunion: Yes