Class of 1978
Classmate Information for:
Janet G. Ryker
Classmate's ID: 164
Last Updated: 2/10/2008 2:45:36 PM
Classmate's Name: Janet G. Ryker
Sex: Female
Marriage Status: Married
Spouse: Michael R. Burrell
What Address to use to Contact you: Current
Kids Section
Kid's: Anna Elisabeth (39) ; Ruth Esther (37) ; Jonathan David (32) ; Daniel Joseph (31) ; Stephen Michael (30) ; Benjamin Josiah (27) ; Joshua Nathan (25) ; Abigail Christiana (20) ;
What have I been doing since High School?
Education: Taylor University (Upland, IN); Wheaton Graduate School (Wheaton, IL) Journalism
Job: Wife,Mother of 8,Home Educator,Homemaker (Titus 2:5), Party planner for my kids
Hobbies: My relationship w/the Lord,weekly dates and trips w/husband (Switzerland's my favorite),church, the fine art of 'taking tea', shopping for Victorian treasures, computerized sewing embroidery, talking w/my children!
Who you Keep in Touch with: My parents send me news from Indiana about anyone they think I might know. I remember you in prayer as the Lord brings you to mind.
Trip down Memory lane...
Remember When: I do! My children love to hear stories about all of you and my days in public school (having never experienced PS themselves). They can't believe it!
Worst thing you ever did: Thinking I was a Christian in HS and trying to establish my own righteousness. When I was 30 yrs old God led me to trust completely in the finished work of Jesus Christ, who died for my sins, that I might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
Most embarrassing moment: You've created one by resurrecting this old photo. Thanks! Fortunately, my kids don't recognize me with crooked teeth...they think it's someone else - which is OK with me!:)
Memories: While I loved all the activities in HS, what I remember most is people - their personalities, character qualities, uniqueness and how God used each of you in my life, for which I'm thankful.
Favorite Songs: Handel's 'Messiah' and 'Water Music', Bach's 'Brandenburg Concertos', Mozart, Strauss, Beethoven,Tchaikovsky
What about next Reunion?
Suggestions: Could dinner & photo time be 1st? Prefer classical music (chamber orchestra?). Scan digital photos for website?
Would you like to help on Next Reunion: No