Class of 1978
Classmate Information for:
Theresa Sampson
Classmate's ID: 166
Last Updated: 3/30/2008 3:19:26 PM
Classmate's Name: Theresa Sampson
Sex: Female
Marriage Status: Remarried
Spouse: Mark Commerford
What Address to use to Contact you: Current
Kids Section
Kid's: Candice (42) ; Brandin (40) ;
What have I been doing since High School?
Education: College Accounting / IUPUI
Job: Accounts Payable Coordinator Mega Sys
Hobbies: Remodeling House, Restore old car, camping, line dancing
Who you Keep in Touch with: Mike Sample, Cherly Poppelwell
Trip down Memory lane...
Remember When: Mark Hall got the Government teacher to look at the ceiling even though there was nothing there. She fell for it like the rest of us.
Worst thing you ever did: Married the guy I took to my senior prom instead of marrying the Man I took to my junior prom. Who said he was'nt interested but really only procrastinated for 23 years.
Most embarrassing moment:
Memories: Hanging out in the restroom at lunch break and talking with the custodial ladies.
Favorite Songs:
What about next Reunion?
Would you like to help on Next Reunion: No