Class of 1978
Classmate Information for:
James Smock
Classmate's ID: 228
Last Updated: 2/26/2008 9:07:34 PM
Classmate's Name: James Smock
Sex: Male
Marriage Status: Married
Spouse: Shannon
What Address to use to Contact you: No Selection made. Need Answer.
Kids Section
Kid's: Kyarstin (34) ; Kendyl (32) ;
What have I been doing since High School?
Education: Lincoln Tech, C-9 Welding, Accura NSX Certifications. and any other education I can get!!!
Job: Ta hell with driving that truck, back to being a body shop manager, happy for now
Hobbies: Golf, Just about anything outdoors
Who you Keep in Touch with: Jeff Shrout - he is the only one that emails me - lol
Trip down Memory lane...
Remember When: I would never take off my coat? Too many valuables in there, had to be able to grab a quick smoke at any given moment.
Worst thing you ever did: Just about laid Mr. Sleighter out in the lunch room. (kids don't want to go into too much detail)
Most embarrassing moment: The only one I can think of is sitting in 4th period english lit and David Long hit me in the head with a piece of chalk, and I jumped out of my chair and called him a 'c**ksucker' right in the middle of class (that was good for a 2 day vacation)
Memories: Just all the good time I had looking back, finding out how wrong I was for quitting my junior year, and then sucking up and coming back and finishing(best thing I ever done!!!)
Favorite Songs: just about all the heavy metal from that era,(my CD collection I have at home) LOL
What about next Reunion?
Suggestions: Have it sometime other than labor day, I'm hopeing I can attend but I might have to be in Cincinati at a regional cheer competition with my daughter
Would you like to help on Next Reunion: No Response