Class of 1978
Classmate Information for:
Karen Hixson
Classmate's ID: 95
Last Updated: 7/16/2003 12:42:21 AM
Classmate's Name: Karen Hixson
Sex: Female
Marriage Status: Married
Spouse: Rev Mengle
What Address to use to Contact you: Current
Kids Section
Kid's: Joshua (30) ; Austin (28) ;
What have I been doing since High School?
Education: B.A. Visual Communications
Job: Sub Center Grove schools
Who you Keep in Touch with: Linda Phelps,
Trip down Memory lane...
Remember When:
Worst thing you ever did: One year(won't say which one ) the Home Comming Queen was sneeking around with one of my friends, boyfriends. The headline at the top of the school newspaper, the next day read Home Comming Queer.
Most embarrassing moment: When the print shop teacher caught the headline before it went to press.
Memories: Senior prom was so much more fun going with a great friend instead of my then boyfriend. Smartest thing I did all four years and my sweetest memory.
Favorite Songs: Stairway to Heaven, Lucky Man
What about next Reunion?
Would you like to help on Next Reunion: No Response